TRACER GAMEZONE Raptor V2 RGB Gaming Stereo USB + Klinke Headset

Artikelnummer: TRASLU46464

38,99 EUR *
Inhalt 1 Stück
Lieferzeit: 5-14 Werktage
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TRACER GAMEZONE Raptor V2 RGB Gaming Stereo USB + Klinke Headset 



Are you looking for a gaming headset with unusual looks and exhilarating sound quality? Tracer GAMEZONE Raptor V2 RGB is a set created just for you. Impressive RGB backlight, durable metal headband and breakthrough construction make it the best choice for gaming geeks. The headset belongs to the popular GAMEZONE line, created especially for gamers who value the combination of the highest quality and advanced features of gaming devices.

• Captivating sound quality in games.
• Construction of double transducers.
• RGB LED backlight.
• Flexible microphone with backlight.
• Controller on the cabel.
• Splitter 2x mini-jack.
• Metal headband.

Stunning RGB backlight
Express your style or current mood using the available colour combinations. The RGB LED backlight on the earcups makes the Tracer GAMEZONE Raptor V2 headset fit perfectly into the gaming style. Whether you're playing day or night, your headset will always look impressive. Choose your favourite colour from the available backlight sequences using the controller on the cable.

100% focus during the game
The metal structure of the headband with automatic height adjustment makes the set very sturdy and durable, making it a perfect companion during many gaming marathons. Each gamer appreciates not only the quality of the headset, but also the convenience of use. Specially shaped and padded with delicate, elastic leather, the earcups guarantee exceptional comfort so that you can immerse yourself in the sound and play for hours. Effective isolation of distracting sounds from the environment will allow you to fully focus on the game.

Top-level communication
The flexible microphone with backlit tip has been equipped with the function of reducing background noises. From now on, nothing will interrupt the conversation with your teammates. From now on your voice will always be extremely sharp, and every command crystal clear.

Superb sound quality
Immerse yourself in the amazing sound quality offered by the Tracer GAMEZONE Raptor V2. The breakthrough design of the headphones ensures greater clarity and less distortion. And all this thanks to the use of separate transducers with a diameter of 50 mm for bass and smaller 23 mm for treble. Optimal tuning and a cleaner, more balanced sound will help you easily locate your opponent in the game. You will hear even the softest murmur of a sneaking enemy.

Compatible with many platforms
The included splitter with two 3.5mm mini-jack connectors is perfect for gamers who want to connect the headset to a device with one mini-jack input. Gamers using PC, PS4, Xbox One platforms or any other platform equipped with this socket will be able to take full advantage of the capabilities of the headset.

Art.-ID 17879
Zustand Neu
Altersfreigabe Ohne Altersbeschränkung
Modell TRASLU46464
Hersteller TRACER
Inhalt 1 Stück
Gewicht 520 g
Netto-Gewicht 377 g
Maße 220×190×70mm
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